Adolescent Reading Study

Interested in participating in reading and language development research?
The Learning and Language Lab @ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is looking for adolescent participants!

Who: Adolescents (14 to 17 years old) who speak English at home.
What’s involved: Come to the lab on the U of I campus for several studies ranging from 1 to 2 hours.
What will you do: You will read passages of text and individual sentences and answer comprehension questions about them on a computer. We will measure your responses to what you see, by recording your eye-movements and responses to the questions. Additionally, you will complete a few background tests and questionnaires about your reading habits.
Why: To understand how your personal experience is related to how you read.

Benefits/Risks? There are no known or foreseeable risks associated with participation in our studies beyond those experienced in daily life. The final research reports will not identify the teens in the study. The findings may help educators, researchers, and clinicians gain a better understanding of developmental benchmarks for reading.

Compensation: We provide $15 per hour compensation for your participation and cover your parking expenses.

Want to participate or find out more?
Please contact us at:, Dr. Anastasia Stoops, Principal Investigator to learn more and schedule your appointment.